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African Women’s Empowerment Network “AWEN”, pronounced (Ah “I” Win)
The AWEN concept was inspired from the Ubuntu principle, cemented in sisterhood and evolution. “I Am My Sisters Keeper”. “IF YOU WIN, I WIN”. “I AM, BECAUSE YOU ARE”, and so forth. AWEN is an exclusively global Pro African association of African women, on a mission to develop a well co-ordinated, efficient and effective network for the purpose of stimulating an African centered social support network, and social welfare system for social change, as well as to facilitate the holistic health & economic development of African women, regardless of religion, culture, nationality, political affiliations, or socio-economic backgrounds.
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Aliyah Mahdi grew up in Akron, Ohio, she is a wife to an amazing husband (RJ Mahdi) who has taken on a leadership role in this repatriation movement, and a mother of two beautiful children. In 2014, she relocated to Senegal, West Africa with her husband and son, in search of a better quality of life for their family.
She enjoys traveling, cooking, writing, fitness, and studying holistic wellness for women in her spare time. Aliyah also enjoys dedicating her time to the local youth in her community through volunteering in the educational facilities as a tutor.
She takes pride and joy in her family because she understands the importance of keeping the black family together for generational success. She believes wholeheartedly in the motto of family first.
She holds a degree in Business Management and her background experience has been in Marketing and Sales since 2012 for several fortune 500 companies throughout the United States. She also manages a number of online media outlets alongside her husband such as TFG Media and The Black Kings and Queens Project collectively engaging over 800k followers around the globe.
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Aliyah Mahdi
She is the Co-Founder and President of the Made in Africa Project and a Founding Member of The Alkebulan Development Group. She has found joy in assisting the diaspora with connecting to the continent in several ways. From shopping to traveling or visiting, The Made in Africa Project has built a sustainable bridge for the diaspora to come home through. She has also worked alongside many artisans and students in Senegal through mentorship and providing them with opportunities within the project.
She has used her creativity to help change the perspective of Africa in many ways, including in her online series, “The Real Homes of Africa”. A show displaying modern, luxury homes available on the continent.
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In 2022, she became a solidified member of the African Women’s Empowerment Network in which she is a Co-Host the ongoing series “The AWEN Show”. Within the next year, Aliyah intends to contribute to the AWEN movement by developing a Senegal Chapter, where she can host local women within the Senegal Region.
Within this same timeframe, Aliyah was nominated as the President of a women’s self-defense association located in Senegal, West Africa. She is currently pursuing her education in international trade, investment, and finance solutions.
Her work has been featured in many online publications including Black Enterprise and TravelNoire, and she still has a lot more to give to this movement. She has volunteered her time in organizations like #IamMedinaBaye Movement, The Give1Project, Mothers of Black Boys United, The Builders, and Stop the Violence Movements to name a few. Her philanthropic spirit continues to push her to inspire others to improve their circumstances.
In 2021 she released her first book, The Repat Guide “50 Startups for Repats in Africa” an introductory guide filled with viable business ideas that can be implemented on the continent.
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“As women, we are the bedrock of society, and if our relationship with one another is not built on a foundation of love, respect and unity, the community as a whole suffers. The advancement of our nation is only measured by the progress of its women. We are sister’s first and foremost, and do not view one another as competition. As sister’s we are on the same team, working on the same mission to achieve common goals. If “I WIN, YOU WIN”!
– Kenya Malinke Mansaray – AWEN’s Founder
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